Milorad Dodik

Bosnia and Herzegovina is possible only if the Letter of constitution and Dayton accords is respected

  • Извор: СРНА
  • 23.12.2021. 14:24

Serb member of the BiH Presidency Milorad Dodik said today that BiH is possible only if the letter of the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords is respected, and not with orchestrated attempts to impose opinions.

Dodik has said that BiH is not the Muslim political view of BiH.

"There is no greater truth than the fact that things in BiH cannot function if only one constituent people is suppressed to such an extent that they cannot exercise the constitutional rights given to them," Dodik said at a press conference in East Sarajevo.

He has said that the story regarding EU Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi is fabricated.

"During talks with us, he was very clear and demanded that the BiH bodies function. He has said that in that regard, we should not procrastinate, but that we should try to resolve things," Dodik said.

He has added that Várhelyi said that many problems were created because of the imposed "Inzko’s law."

"If someone doesn't think so, he is not realistic," said Dodik, adding that it is true that Várhelyi tried everything to bring positions in BiH closer.

Dodik has said that the way the public in federal Sarajevo is trying to discredit certain people is not fair.

"It is good that there are countries which clearly present their positions on the situation in BiH, because they, as permanent members of the EU, have a right to make relevant comments," Dodik said.

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