Dodik: I expect peaceful elections in Montenegro

  • 28.08.2020. 12:11

Serb BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik tells SRNA he expects peaceful elections in Montenegro and the election day to be a day of democratic expression of the will of Montenegrin citizens, not a day of division and further escalation of tensions, which was particularly expressed in this pre-election period.

"I am aware that the election process in Montenegro is being entered with tensions, which has been lasting since the adoption of the controversial Law on Religious Freedom. I hope that the citizens will, among other things, say at the elections what they think about that law," Dodik said when asked to comment on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Montenegro.

He points out that the relations between Republika Srpska and official Montenegro have been shaken in a certain way in recent months, precisely because of the Montenegrin authorities’ attitude towards the Serbian Orthodox Church.

"But I hope that the future government will correct that mistake, made by adopting the disputed law, immediately after the end of the elections," Dodik emphasized.

Parliamentary elections will be held in Montenegro on Sunday, August 30.

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