Tijana Ibrahimovic for ATV from New York: People now understand how easily the coronavirus spreads

  • 06.04.2020. 09:38

In the last 24 hours, 594 people have died in the state of New York.

There are a total of 122,031 infected persons in that state, with 4,159 deaths so far.

Famous journalist Tijana Ibrahimovic spoke for ATV from the city of New York.

"In New York, people have taken this virus very seriously, in recent weeks the numbers of infected people have risen sharply. The reason for this is that more people have been test. People have realized how easy it is to transmit this virus. You never know how your body will resct to operate on Covid-19," Ibrahimovic said, adding that the latest numbers show that the virus attacks both old and young alike.

"The problem is big. New York is a city where people live close to each other. It's very easy to get infected, and they've taken very seriously the need to stay home. The streets have been empty for the last two weeks, there aren't that many people, but there are always exceptions that are disobeying the governor and the mayor. The biggest problem is that these are younger people who return home and then transmit the virus to their parents. "

The situation in New York is improving, as confirmed by New York City Governor Andrew Cuomo.

"The number of people admitted to intensive care has also dropped, as has the number of those on respirators. The number of those who have been discharged from the hospital has increased, which is great news. But it's still too early to draw any conclusions, so we have to  be patient," Cuomo said.

Ibrahimovic confirmed that the biggest problem for New York initially was that tests were lacking and those who did not feel well were diagnosed over the phone.

 "Now that has changed a bit as more tests are available, so more people are being tested. But there was definitely a fear of how big the hospital bill would be. Fortunately, the President made the decision that those without health insurance would be treated like everyone else, however that only happened a few days ago. I believe there was greater fear before that and many were trying to solve their health problem on their own, "Ibrahimovic told ATV.

 Check out the video and watch the special issue of Direktno.


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